Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Indian & International Artillery Commanders to Discuss World's Largest Modernisation Programme

PRLog (Press Release)– Mar 17, 2011– Senior officers responsible for the artillery waste compactor modernisation programme of the Indian Armed Forces will be delivering presentations alongside international artillery commanders at Defence IQ's Future Artillery India conference, taking place 20th-22nd June 2011 at Le Méridien New Delhi, India.

As the country's Armed Forces embark upon an estimated US $8 billion upgrade programme, Indian Generals from the Directorate of Artillery, Indian Ministry of Defence and associated laboratories will provide detailed, high-level briefs on current capabilities and their specific plans for modernisation.

They will be joined by senior artillery commanders from around the world to discuss the latest advances in doctrine, strategy and operational feedback from the front line.

The expert speaker panel includes:

•   Lt General J.P. Singh, Deputy Chief of the Army Staff (Policy and Systems), Indian Army •   Lt General Vinod Nayanar, Director General, Directorate of Artillery, Indian Army •   Major General PK Chakravorty, VSM, Additional Director General Artillery, Integrated Headquarters of the Ministry of Defence, Indian Armed Forces •   Shri S. Sundaresh, Chief Controller R&D (Armament and Combat Engineering), DRDO •   Dr Anil Dattar, Director, Armament Research and Development Establishment, DRDO •   Major General David Halverson, Commanding General of Fires Centre of Excellence, US Army •   Major General Thierry Ollivier, Commander, Force Employment and Doctrine Centre, French Army •   Brigadier General David Schuissa, Chief of Artillery Corps, Israeli Defence Force

"Future Artillery India will offer a unique opportunity to exchange views on technolo static garbage compactor gy, concept and employment of artillery with reputed serving officers, scientists and engineers from around the world. It will be the artillery event of the summer", confirms Co bags for trash compactor lonel (Ret'd) A.K. Sharma, former Indian Army Officer and Editor of the South Asian Defence & Strategic Review.

Defence IQ is offering members of the Indian Armed Forces, as well as all serving international Flag Officers 1* and above, a free pass to attend the conference.  Passes can be requested from Calum Jeffray at defence@iqpc.co.uk

Additional information is available at www.FutureArtilleryIndia.com, along wi jenn air trash compactor th complimentary articles, podcasts and presentations in the website Download Centre. The Defence IQ - Military Community LinkedIn group is open for membership, and related content can be found at www.defenceiq.com.

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