Jumat, 02 September 2011

Cold Chain Service Providers to Benefit From the Strong growth of the Biopharmaceutical Market

PRLog (Press Release) - Sep 02, 2011 - Driven by strong efficacies, target oriented attack and high margins; the market for biopharmaceuticals is expected to grow robustly in the coming years reaching values worth US$ 159 Billion by 2016. IMARC Group, one of the worlds's leading research and advisory firms in its new report "Global Healthcare Cold Chain Logistics Market Report & Forecast (2011-2016)" expects the growth of the biopharmaceutical market to create huge demand for efficient cold chain logistic services. Findings from the report suggest that biopharmaceuticals are highly temperature sensitive and are recommended to be stored and transported at temperatures ranging from 2°- 8°C. Any failures in the cold chain transportation of these drugs can lead to a significant loss of their efficacy and can even make them harmful for the patient. Regulatory agencies have in fact stated that drugs that have been temperature abused are every bit as dangerous as those that are not authentic.

Findings from the report also suggest that the entry of biosimilars or generic versions of branded biopharmaceuticals will further increase the demand for cold chain logistic services. The reports expect biosimilars to be 20% - 60% cheaper than branded biopharmaceuticals. This is expected to significantly increase their patient pools and thereby expand the overall shipment volume of these drugs. The report also expects some of the important biosimilar manufactures to be based in Asian Countries e.g. Dr Reddy's (India), Celltrion (Korea), etc. Since the manufacturing facilities of these companies will be based in Asia and their end user markets will be based in the US and Europe, the report expects a significant increase in the exports of biopharmaceuticals between these regions.

Key Aspects Analyzed in this Report:Comprehensive Market Analysis of Temperature Sensitive Health Care Products:Classes Covered: Biopharmaceuticals, Vaccines & Clinical Trial Materials

Focus of the Analysis in Each Class:•   Drivers and challenges •   Historical sales trends•   Logistic requirements •   Impact of temperature excursions •   Opportunities in cold chain services•   Market outlook (2011-2016)

Understanding the Operations of a Health Care Cold Chain Distribution ProcessFocus of the Analysis:•   Understanding the various methods of cold chain distribution and their advantages/disadvantages•   Understanding the cold chain requirements of various temperature sensitive products and the impact of temperature excursion•   Understanding the various costs involved in cold chain transportation and comparing it with non-cold chain transportation•   Understanding the key steps required in the setting and organization of an efficient cold chain distribution process

helicop ter technology Comprehensive Market Analysis of the Health Care Cold Chain Logistic Services MarketFocus of the analysis:•   Quantifying the global health care cold chain logistic services market•   Quantifying the market size by product•   Quantifying the market size by service•   Quantifying the market size by region

Information Sources:Information has been sourced from both primary and secondary sources:•   Primary sources include industry surveys and face to face/telephone interviews with   industry experts.•   Secondary sources include proprietary databases and search engines. These sources include company websites and reports, books, trade journals, magazines, white papers, industry portals, government sources and access to more than trash bins 4000 paid databases.

Table of Contents:

1 Research Methodology & Market Definitions2 Executive Summary3 The Global Healthcare Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi Cold Chain Logistics Market3.1 Current Trends3.1.1 Healthcare Cold Chain Products are Exhibiting Exponential Growth3.1.2 Temperature Sensitive Healthcare Products Have Well Defined Logistic Needs3.1.3 Outsourcing Trends in Research & Manufacturing Have Increased Logistic Demands3.1.4 Increasing Regulatory Focus on the Integrity of Transported Healthcare Products3.1.5 Cost is Not Always the Most Important Driver in Supplier Decisions4 The Global Healthcare Cold Chain Products Market4.1 Current Market Trends & Forecast4.2 Market Segments4.2.1 Biopharmaceuticals4.2.1.1 Current Market Trends & Forecast4.2.1.2 Cold Chain Requirements for Biopharmaceuticals4.2.1.3 Cold Chain Opportunities for Biopharmaceuticals4.2.2 Vaccines4.2.2.1 Current Market Trends & Forecast4.2.2.2 Cold Chain Requirements for Vaccines4.2.2.3 Cold Chain Opportunities for Vaccines4.2.3 Clinical Trial Materials4.2.3.1 Current Market Trends & Forecast4.2.3.2 Cold Chain Requirements for Clinical Trial Materials4.2.3.3 Cold Chain Opportunities for Clinical Trial Materials5 Healthcare Cold Chain Logistics: How Does It Operate?5.1 Cold Chain Packaging & Transportation Methods5.1.1 Dry Ice5.1.2 Liquid Nitrogen5.1.3 Gel Packs5.2 Modeling the Cost of Cold Chain Packaging & Transportation5.3 The Setting & Organization of Cold Chains5.3.1 Initial Considerations5.3.2 Choosing the Correct Model5.3.3 Regulatory/Custom Clearance5.3.4 Final Stages5.3.5 Quality Assurance6 The Healthcare Cold Chain Logistic Services Market6.1 Current Trends & Forecast6.2 Market Segmentation6.2.1 Market by Product6.2.1.1 Biopharmaceuticals & Vaccines6.2.1.2 Clinical Trial Materials6.2.2 Market by Service6.2.2.1 Packaging & Instrumentation6.2.2.2 Transportation6.2.3 Market by Region6.2.3.1 North America6.2.3.2 Europe6.2.3.3 Asia Pacific6.2.3.4 Rest of the World7 Challenges in the Healthcare Cold Chain Logistics Market7.1 Cold Chain Infrastructure Remains Underdeveloped in Many Regions7.2 Lack of Funding to Implement an Efficient Cold Chain Infrastructure7.3 New Technologies Nullifying the Need of Cold Chains8 Key Company Profiles8.1 World Courier8.2 DHL8.3 Fedex8.4 United Parcel Service8.5 Kuehne and Nagel8.6 Cavalier Logistics8.7 DB Schenker8.8 Life ConEx8.9 American Airlines Cargo8.10 Continental Air Cargo8.11 Marken

To buy the complete report or to get a free sample: Call: +91-120-425-6531 (Asia), +1-631-791-1145 (America) em rc helicopter market place ail: sales@imarcgroup.comFor more information please visit: www.imarcgroup.com

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