PRLog (Press Release) – Apr 17, 2011 – Introduction
High economic growth, urbanization and improving standards of living are adding to unprecedented power demand in India. To deal with this, the country plans to add significant renewable energy capacity to meet its demand and to provide power access to all its citizens. Ambitious energy targets and increased legislative support could push India to become a global renewable energy powerhouse.
Features and benefits
* An overview of the overall electricity and renewable landscape in India. * An assessment of various renewable sources in India in terms of installed capacity, generation, investment, sector potential, future outlook, etc. * An assessment of forces (technological, regulatory, etc.) driving the market for various renewable sources and key players operating in the market. * An understanding of the regulatory environment, policies, incentives underlying the renewable sector in India.
The overall demand for power in India is expected to continue outstripping the supply, despite the generation growth matching the country's GDP growth. In order to address this, the government plans diversify its energy-mix over the coming years, with renewable energy playing a much larger role to meet the rising power demand. With an installed capacity manual trash compactor of 11.8GW as of March 2010 and ranking fifth globally, wind is the fastest growing commercially developed renewable source of power generation in India. Despite being the most mature renewable source, the sector holds considerable potential, yet to be tapped with improvements in technology and a coherent national policy With 15.2MW installed capacity in 2010, solar forms less than 1% of power generation capacity in India. However, solar holds immense potential particularly for off-grid applications and meet rural needs. With an ambitious target of 20GW (on-grid) & 2GW (off-grid) by 2022 as per JNNSM, India is expected to be one of the leading countries for solar.
Your key questions answered
* Understand the overall electricity and renewable landscape and the role of renewable sources in the Indian context. * Assess the market forces driving the Indian renewable market and identify the sectors experiencing high growth and with high future potential. * Understand the government support, policies, incentives and regulatory framework underlying the Indian renewable market.
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